Ocean Tactics

More than just a Weather Service!

More than just a Weather Service!

Tap into 30 years experience!

Not Just providing the best Weather and Routing but our extensive Knowledge Base of the South Pacific!

Ready to sign up? Click the Button Below.

Or scroll down for more info!

Tom Jones aboard SV Savauge – We’ve made a couple of good decisions this passage, the first was stopping at Galapagos and the Second was Hiring you John. So glad to have you on the team, almost feels like cheating:-)

Alex and Marianne – Amalie – Thank you John, engaging someone to help us with weather is a new experience for us, you have done a fantastic job and we’ll definitely contact you for our next trip. Above all you have made us feel safer. 

Good Weather Routing starts with Departure Planning !

Good Departure Planning gives you a better chance of a comfortable passage. Weather Routing while on passage is all about putting the boat in the right place to best take advantage of the weather now and for what’s coming! Ocean Tactics excels at both in the Pacific and SE Asia and Indian Ocean regions.

A good resource is a video by John Martin “Understanding Migrating Weather Systems, Passage Planning and Avoiding Weather Click HERE

To Sign up please click the button below

What is Ocean Tactics ?

Most Weather Routers are Meteorologist, sure they understand weather and how it’s formed but for sailors making an ocean passage we want more than that. To get the best results a knowledge of and passion for weather and routing is only part of the recipe. Only an experienced sailor can truly understand how weather affects different boats. Add to that an extensive Local Knowledge of the Pacific and SE Asia and with Ocean Tactics you’ve got the trifecta.

Ocean Tactics is a Paid Weather and Routing Service under the mantle of Coastal and Offshore Cruising Intl., discounted for C&OC Members and other associations.

John and Lyn Martin run C&OC Intl. and have over 150,000nm under the keel, cruising the Pacific and deliveries on a variety of Yachts and Catamarans both power and sail.


John Martin has been assisting skippers with weather and passage planning for many years, first while running the NZ based Island Cruising Association and then while managing other major international yacht rallies through the Atlantic, Pacific & SE Asia, now operating as Ocean Tactics.  “Departure Planning and getting to know the vessel and it’s skipper is an essential first step in passage comfort and safety and a couple of days can make the world of difference. Once out there it’s all about, Putting the Boat in the Right Place, to take best advantage of the weather”

Are you taking part in one of our Partner Events? Discount Apply!

Offshore Weather & Routing

A quick chat allows us to get to know you and your vessel and is a necessary part of all Ocean Tactics engagements. During the lead up to the passage we’ll discuss Comfort Levels for Wind and Wave, Vessel Characteristics and Conditions to expect on passage.

Passage Tactics also includes discussion briefings via Line, WhatsApp or Messenger just prior to departure to give you a full understanding of what to expect and detail factors that may influence tactics on passage.

Departure Planning

Picking the right departure goes a long way to having a good passage. We’ll work with you to pick the best weather window for any specified passage based on your personal parameters and that of the vessel as per the answers given when you sign up. It has to be said however that in order to get the best passage also takes patience. I’ve seen more boats and relationships damaged by leaving based on a schedule!

Passage Management

Possibly the most important part of the service for a safe and comfortable passage. We make sure you put the vessel in the right place to best take advantage of the weather that’s coming as the passage proceeds. Updates are sent via email and for those on StarLink or Iridium Go exec via WhatsApp.


One Fee* covers all of our Offshore Weather Services as detailed above, Departure Planning and Passage Management.

Single Routing – $250USD for C&OC members $297USD for other associated club members ($347USD, non members). for a single passage, up to 3000nm, longer passages by negotiation.

Making more than one passage in one cruising season? Then our Season Pass** may benefit your needs.  $550USD for C&OC and Ocean Posse members. $597USD for other associated club members ($650USD, non member)***. See Sign up Form for Associated Clubs and Organisations.

** Season Pass- One cruising Season. In the South Pacific usually the period from March to the end of October From French Polynesia West or from the beginning of February for vessels departing Panama.

*** For Passages both Coastal and Offshore in the Pacific, SE Asia and Indian Ocean up to 3,000nm. ****Fair use principals apply.

Costing for longer passages or different regions on demand.

Proposed weather routing during Cyclone/ Hurricane periods is at the discretion of Ocean Tactics and may incur an extra charge.

****Up to 3 Offshore and 3 Coastal Routes. See signup form for full disclosure statement.

(2x Coastal Routes can be traded for 1x Offshore)

Ocean Tactics is a Trading Name of 3Sixty Marine Ltd.

Weather Accolades

SV SeaGlub - Chris Glubka

“After sailing for over two decades, and over 25,000nm, being a weather router myself for vessels in a different geographical area of the world, I couldn’t be more thankful for the years of experience and knowledge John possesses regarding one of the trickier passages in all of the Pacific. His knowledge brings great comfort when deciding the time to leave and what direction to head while underway, navigating through the quickly changing weather patterns. Thank you John for guiding me through yet another successful and uneventful journey.”

SV Maximilian of Southampton – Nick Keeler. Thank you for all the updates – the routing was great as we are almost a day ahead of the others!

SV Windsong – John & Janet Barba.
We really appreciated your daily updates! So glad we found out about your service!

SV Khiimori – Matt Young.

It was a difficult passage but we needed to get back from Fiji to New Zealand. With a small gap between lows John helped us to “Thread the Needle” and got us home safely. Thanks for your help and support John!

SV Tango – John and Janet Harrington.

John nailed it with the weather on our trip from French Polynesia to Tonga Via American Samoa. Departure planning was spot on and when our auto pilot failed John was instrumental in routing us to the nearest safe port for repairs.
Our second passage was Tonga to New Zealand via Minerva. Again Tango misbehaved but it was wonderful having a gentle watch over us, thank you John.

SV Manauhaea – Mike and Glenda Rainey

We’ve done a number of passages where we’ve relied on John for the weather and never had a bad trip. The one trip we didn’t use him and listened to someone else, who will remain nameless. We had a horror trip.
Of note, our passage north from NZ in 2017 was a huge win on the departure planning side, we strained at the bit while others got away early but John held us back. We finally had a great trip and met many of the others in Tonga that got away early only to have bad passages, some of them with damage. Thanks John!

SV Destiny (Houston) – Frank & Barbara Gladney

We didn’t want to come down to New Zealand but John talked us into it and promised a “Perfect Passage”. Barbara’s idea of a Perfect Passage is to motor so John took the challenge. We had a light but beautiful passage from Noumea to Norfolk Island, spent 5 days there and got ashore every day (apparently this is unusual) and finished with a dream run into NZ. Brilliant John, you delivered as promised!

John’s Corner!
John has successfully routed so many people down to New Zealand from the islands that he’s got quite a name for it. With the usual flow of weather it’s often best to put some westing in to take advantage of the shift as you get closer to NZ and make sure you’re not on the wrong side of it. That point is 30S 173W and has colloquially been dubbed John’s Corner.